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Kanuka Balm – Kunzea ericoides

Kanuka Balm 是一种多功能的天然护肤产品-3-4,对皮肤有多种好处。它包装在一个小巧方便的罐子里,即开即用,可轻松放入任何口袋,是喜欢户外活动的人或任何需要舒缓和保护皮肤的人的理想伴侣。

This multifunctional balm is designed to heal and protect the skin, thanks to carefully selected organic ingredients. It is perfect for people who participate in outdoor activities that stress their skin, providing soothing relief and protection against the elements. Whether you’re hiking, camping, or just braving the elements, Kanuka Balm has you covered.


But the benefits don’t stop there. Kanuka Balm provides relief for inflamed skin, scratches, abrasions and even insect bites. It can also serve as a foot balm for walkers, soothing tired feet during and after long hikes. Parents will find it useful for diaper rash and chafing prevention in both babies and adults.

此外,Kanuka Balm 还具有 SPF15 级天然防晒功能。在户外活动时,定期补涂可为您提供保护。

This product is 100% natural, free from synthetic additives and harmful chemicals. It’s easy to use and apply, so you can enjoy the benefits wherever you go. Enriched with high-quality Kanuka oil, it embodies the essence of natural skin care, providing the healing and protection to keep your skin at its best.

使用后务必立即盖上瓶盖。存放在阴凉、干燥的地方,避免阳光直射。始终放在儿童接触不到的地方。仅供外用。过敏测试:将卡努卡香膏涂抹在肘弯处:如果该处在 48 小时内发红,请勿使用香膏。


低剂量的卡努卡万金油无毒,无强化作用。可能会出现过敏反应。Kanuka Balm 可直接涂抹在皮肤上(避免接触眼睛和开放性伤口)。
